Featuring: Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Jessica Biel, Dan Aykroyd, Ving Rhames, Steve Buscemi
Genre: comedy
Plot: straight men become a couple on paper to save one of their pensions
Acting: not entirely believable but exaggerated on purpose
Drama: being straight when pretending to be gay
Action: during the fire some
Funny: more than expected
Visuals: some disgusting ones I’m afraid
Soundtrack: was surprised to hear some of Queen’s tracks
Comments: Not being a fan of Adam Sandler I wasn’t expecting much of this movie. Still I found it funny at least in the first half. Sandler is his usual self, with the added touch of hot stud that doesn’t quite fit, James is fun though less than he was in Hitch, Biel is not exactly credible, why would a lawyer hang out with one of her clients?, Rhames was great and Buscemi didn’t disappoint much. In a way it was a low more developed version of Three to Tango, okay as long as you don’t have better things to do.
Rating: 3/5
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