Monday, May 24, 2010

2010 Librex Book Fair

Librex Book Fair took place in Iasi over the weekend. I nearly missed it because of the changing weather, but then on Sunday the sun came out and I finally got to go. Compared to last year, when I didn't wait until the last day to visit it, there were slightly more people and some of them were even buying. There also seemed to be more discounts, or at least they were more visible.

While I remember being impressed by how big and nice RAO stand was last year, now it was small and crowded. Pretty embarrassing really. Nemira, on the other hand, had a regular stand, well organized and looking rather decent. Corint was a joy to the eye with all the colourful covers, and they had some good discounts. I was surprised not to see more kids roaming around, but I guess kids don't read that much anymore these day. No need to say little brother picked a stack of fantasy books and we indulged him because his birthday is coming soon.

I got some books at my turn too, in preparation for vacation. :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Leganandu-ne pe o ramura de cires

N-am mai scris de mult timp o recenzie pe-aci. “Simbolul pierdut” nu se pune ca a fost o porcarie, poate doar daca am trece-o la carti pe care le-am urat, dar nu e adevarat, m-a lasat doar indiferenta. Pentru un cupon de reducere am sa-mi calc pe inima si am sa scriu una. Chestia e ca mai de graba mi-as petrece timpul citind sau scriind decat sa comentez operele altora. In fine, hai sa vedem ce recenzie facem… o carte care nu mi-a placut chiar n-are rost sa imi pierd timpul scriind despre ea, asa ca nu-mi ramane decat sa ma gandesc la una care mi-a placut de la mult in sus.

M-am cam plictisit sa scriu despre Dune si, daca tot scriu in romana, atunci ar fi mai bine sa scriu despre una romaneasca, nu? Eh, n-am mai citit una cam de multisor. Dar zilele trecuta cautam ceva prin biblioteca (si anume sa vad daca nu am o carte in dublu exemplar, pentru ca ma contrazisesem cu cineva pe tema asta) si am dat peste volumul 3 din Ciresarii. Saracul, dupa ce ca are jumatate din foi dezlipite, se ratacise de fratiorii lui. Am iubit seria asta ca pe moastele sfinte, o citeam in fiecare vacanta cand ma duceam la bunici, dar “Roata norocului” intotdeauna am considerat-o a fi plictisitoare asa ca am pus-o fara remuscari la locul ei in raft.

Am scos insa “Aripi de zapada” si am inceput sa o rasfoiesc. Este editia aceea veche, cu scris ilizbil pe cotor, ilustratie patata in acuarela pe coperta din fata si poezie si mai neinteligibila pe coperta din spate, de ma uitam crucis cu vara-mea si ne intrebam ce-o fi vrut sa spuna Nichita Stanescu cu asta. Bine ca eram abia prin clasa a IV-a pe atunci, dar nici acum nu mi se par poeziile lui mai atractive. Asta e, nu le am cu poeziile, dati-mi actiune si texte inteligente cat incape.

Sa ne intoarcem la carte. Pana sa-mi dau seama, tot rasfoind-o am citit jumatate din volum. Tineretul din ziua de azi n-are cum sa inteleaga fascinatia noastra pentru aventurile ciresarilor. Pe vremea aia nu erau prea multe carti de aventuri disponibile la noi si pana urma tot te saturai de Tom Sawyer si Jules Verne. Baietii din cartierul Ciresului aveau insa ceva aparte. Erau si fete, dar pe noi ne interesau mai mult baietii, ca ei ducea tot greul si, fie vorba intre noi, fetele erau cam aeriene.

In volumul 4 deja mai crescusera toti, inclusiv Tic, si erau din nou, bineinteles, in vacanta. De data asta se dusesera la munte sa se bucure de zapada si zapada au primit din plin. Inceputul este usor plictisitor, cu ei la cabana si comediile de situatie cauzate de multimea de pusti care incerca sa ii imite. Lucrurile incep sa devina incitante cand pleaca spre oras si sunt prinsi pe drum de o furtuna, fiind nevoiti sa se adaposteasca peste noapte intr-o stana parasita, asediata de lupi. Scena evadarii din stana este de-a dreptul zguduitoare.

Noul adapost gasit, cabana Casa Iulia, se dovedeste a fi mai rau decat o inchisoare. Aici nu au decat doua alternative, fie sa moara de foame, fie sa fie omorati mai devreme, pentru ca undeva in cabana este ascunsa faimoasa “cutie albastra” al carui continut necunoscut are o valoare inestimabila si exista oameni necrutatori, determinati sa si-o insuseasca cu orice pret. Apare intrebarea care il obsedeaza pe Victor: de ce sa moara zece oameni de foame, cand pot sa moara doar sapte? Geniul nostru in devenire incepe sa se apropie de adevar in momentul in care isi da seama ca intrebarea cheie este de fapt alta: de ce au ajuns zece oameni in situatia sa moara de foame?

De aici si pana la a trece la contraofensiva nu e decat un pas. Ciresarii nu se dau batuti si inclestarile mentale dintre Victor si inamici sunt extraordinar de bine realizate. Constantin Chirita se dovedeste a fi un fin psiholog si, in acelasi timp, un foarte bun scriitor de romane politiste, indiferent carei categorii de varsta i se adresate acestea. Pacat ca nu a putut rezista tentatiei de a se introduce pe sine in carte.

In final, cand totul se termina cu bine pentru eroii nostri, ca doar mai urmeaza un volum atroce de care prefer sa nu-mi amintesc, ramanem cu senzatia ca este cel mai tensionat dintre volume, avand cea mai mare miza in joc si anume vietile tuturor, si parca nici nu ne mai pasa ca nu am aflat ce era ascuns in blestemata de “cutie albastra”.

Later edit: Received coupon. Starting looking for books. :)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Supernatural Season 5 Finale

Well, it happened, season 5 finale was aired yesterday, and the world didn't end. I'm still a bit in two minds about it. On one hand, all the hype about the confrontation between Lucifer and Michael turned out to be just a big fuss; on the other, I'm damned relieved Dean got his bittersweet happy-ending. Even just for that and I wouldn't mind if the show stopped here. But no, the network had to get greedy and push it for another season.

Really, this episode had the vibe of a grand finale, as anti-climatic as it was. Even the title, "Swan Song", hinted at that. Of course there were some loose ends, like Dean's amulet never getting to glow and God not showing up as promised, 'cause for the life of me I won't believe that Chuck was God. I don't know what he was, but he wasn't God.

Furthermore, I'm getting sick of seeing Dean have no other purpose in the show lately than to be savagely beaten up. The whole reason of his existence has been discarded this episode when he was given nothing to do in the big scheme of things. He's also been acting out of character this season, first he's "I won't say Yes!", then "I have to say Yes, it's the best chance we've got," then "OK, I don't," only to take a 180 degree turn and say "You say Yes," in the end, when it's a well known fact that he is a one track mind kinda guy. Is it just me or this didn't quite make sense?

Strictly referring to the current episode now, I wasn't blown away by the acting. Jared Padalecki did a better job portraying Lucifer in The End, Jim Beaver was less convincing as Bobby than ever, and I didn't like Jake Abel at all. He did a really good job with his previous appearances, but it was obvious he was in way over his head when it came to Michael. The other actor who played young John Winchester was spot on.

I was surprised there was no final death this time and I'm not sure that saving both characters of Bobby and Castiel for next season is a wise move. They might keep them for continuity reasons, but the way it is now it feels like there was no serious stake at all since everyone was brought back.

Which brings us to the very last scene. It was good to see Sam back too, but was that Sam really? The way I see it, there are quite a few possibilities: 1) it's Sam alive and well; 2) it's Sam's ghost; 3) it's angel Sam; or 4) it's Lucifer. I think we can all agree it's not Michael. So my guess is it's either Sam or Lucifer, probably Sam, though it would be interesting if Dean spent the next season trying to kick Lucifer out of Sam and succeeding in the end.

One thing is certain, free will does exist in this particular universe. Dean didn't get to say yes as predicted and he is very much alive still. He might get to regret it later on, when his new family is wiped from the face of the earth, and we all know there's only one way to dismiss characters from this show and that means killing them as painful as possible, but for now everything is fine.

And so am I. If I don't like the last season, I'll consider the show ended here with Dean reunited with his family and Sam just waiting to knock on the door. Who said happily ever after is not possible?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

2010 European Gymnastics Championships - Women

2010 European Gymnastics Championships
Birmingham, UK

Official Website


1 RUS Russia 44.025 (1) 42.625 (1) 43.650 (1) 43.450 (1) 173.750
2 ROU Romania 41.075 (3) 39.575 (4) 40.775 (2) 43.275 (2) 164.700
3 ITA Italy 40.475 (5) 39.750 (3) 40.275 (3) 40.950 (3) 161.450
4 FRA France 40.725 (4) 40.575 (2) 39.400 (4) 40.650 (4) 161.350
5 GBR Great Britain 40.125 (6) 37.400 (7) 39.125 (5) 39.675 (8) 156.325
6 NED Netherlands 39.350 (10) 37.675 (6) 38.725 (6) 39.900 (6) 155.650
7 SUI Switzerland 39.850 (8) 38.475 (5) 37.775 (10) 39.200 (9) 155.300
8 GER Germany 39.500 (9) 36.625 (11) 38.450 (8) 40.325 (5) 154.900
9 ESP Spain 41.500 (2) 36.750 (9) 36.650 (11) 38.400 (11) 153.300
10 UKR Ukraine 40.025 (7) 34.150 (13) 37.800 (9) 39.750 (7) 151.725

1 721 KOMOVA Victoria RUS 14.525 15.325 14.100 14.425 58.375
2 723 GRISHINA Anastasia RUS 13.950 15.225 13.400 14.375 56.950
3 717 IORDACHE L. ROU 13.650 13.150 14.675 14.200 55.675
4 716 BULIMAR Diana Laura ROU 13.125 12.575 14.150 14.325 54.175
5 686 FASANA Erika ITA 13.925 13.300 12.250 13.450 52.925
6 647 KUHM Anne FRA 13.400 13.325 12.700 13.350 52.775
7 703 TOP Lisa NED 13.100 13.200 12.700 13.525 52.525
8 688 FERLITO Carlotta ITA 13.475 12.550 12.675 13.500 52.200
9 701 MOONEN Tess NED 13.075 13.625 12.600 12.850 52.150
10 650 ZOLOTARYOV Natalia FRA 13.050 13.350 12.300 13.400 52.100

1 721 KOMOVA Victoria RUS 15.200 14.700 14.950
2 725 PASEKA Maria RUS 14.500 14.050 14.275
3 686 FASANA Erika ITA 14.050 13.775 13.912
4 717 IORDACHE L. ROU 13.625 14.100 13.862
5 657 BERGER Janine GER 13.600 13.600 13.600
6 718 RUSU Dorina Diana ROU 13.725 13.250 13.487
7 638 VARGAS Maria Paula ESP 13.150 13.800 13.475
8 648 SERSERI Sophia FRA 12.700 12.375 12.537

1 723 GRISHINA Anastasia RUS 15.375
2 721 KOMOVA Victoria RUS 15.200
3 716 BULIMAR Diana Laura ROU 13.575
4 736 ADLERTEG Jonna SWE 13.125
5 650 ZOLOTARYOV Natalia FRA 12.525
6 646 BOUMEJMAJEN Mira FRA 12.375
7 689 LENI Giulia ITA 12.075
8 686 FASANA Erika ITA 11.575

1 721 KOMOVA Victoria RUS 14.900
2 717 IORDACHE L. ROU 14.575
3 701 MOONEN Tess NED 13.975
4 655 MACKENZIE Leilah GBR 13.425
5 724 SIDOROVA Anastasia RUS 13.375
6 720 NEAGU M. ROU 13.150
7 650 ZOLOTARYOV Natalia FRA 12.650
8 688 FERLITO Carlotta ITA 12.500

1 723 GRISHINA Anastasia RUS 14.275
1 717 IORDACHE L. ROU 14.275
3 724 SIDOROVA Anastasia RUS 14.200
4 716 BULIMAR Diana Laura ROU 14.175
5 649 THOBIE Doriane FRA 13.925
6 686 FASANA Erika ITA 13.675
7 703 TOP Lisa NED 13.600
8 656 BAUMERT Desiree GER 13.250


1 RUS Russia 43.275 (1) 41.950 (2) 41.875 (1) 42.600 (2) 169.700
2 GBR Great Britain 41.675 (4) 43.775 (1) 40.125 (5) 42.700 (1) 168.275
3 ROU Romania 41.975 (2) 40.825 (3) 41.000 (2) 41.175 (3) 164.975
4 FRA France 41.750 (3) 40.125 (4) 40.875 (4) 40.825 (4) 163.575
5 ITA Italy 40.950 (7) 39.475 (5) 40.900 (3) 40.350 (5) 161.675
6 SUI Switzerland 41.250 (6) 39.100 (6) 38.250 (7) 37.575 (8) 156.175
7 NED Netherlands 40.525 (8) 37.250 (7) 38.975 (6) 39.250 (7) 156.000
8 UKR Ukraine 41.600 (5) 36.550 (8) 36.875 (8) 40.350 (5) 155.375

1 533 KURBATOVA Ekaterina RUS 14.475 14.100 14.287
2 458 DUFOURNET Youna FRA 14.200 14.350 14.275
3 532 NABIEVA Tatiana RUS 14.425 13.875 14.150
4 528 CHELARU Diana Maria ROU 14.375 13.750 14.062
5 541 KAESLIN Ariella SUI 14.425 13.525 13.975
6 480 TOTH Renata HUN 13.475 13.925 13.700
7 527 RACEA Elena Amelia ROU 14.075 13.250 13.662
8 463 HIBBERT Nicole GBR 13.500 12.550 13.025

1 461 TWEDDLE Elizabeth GBR 15.875
2 531 MUSTAFINA Aliya RUS 15.050
3 561 KONONENKO Nataliya UKR 14.750
4 532 NABIEVA Tatiana RUS 14.675
5 462 DOWNIE Rebecca GBR 14.625
6 458 DUFOURNET Youna FRA 14.450
7 496 FERRARI Vanessa ITA 14.150
8 470 SEITZ Elisabeth GER 14.000

1 527 RACEA Elena Amelia ROU 14.400
2 531 MUSTAFINA Aliya RUS 14.375
3 529 HAIDU Raluca Oana ROU 13.950
4 506 VAN GERNER Celine NED 13.850
5 534 MYZDRIKOVA Anna RUS 13.150
6 497 PREZIOSA Elisabetta ITA 13.075
7 564 DEMYANCHUK Yana UKR 12.900
8 565 HOLENKOVA Valentyna UKR 12.525

1 461 TWEDDLE Elizabeth GBR 14.825
2 534 MYZDRIKOVA Anna RUS 14.325
3 528 CHELARU Diana Maria ROU 14.125
4 496 FERRARI Vanessa ITA 13.850
5 527 RACEA Elena Amelia ROU 13.700
6 464 RIPPIN Niamh GBR 13.400
6 456 BREVET Marine FRA 13.400
8 531 MUSTAFINA Aliya RUS 13.225

A total of 9 medals: 2 golds, 2 silvers, 5 bronzes.

Not bad I guess, but it could have been better.