Monday, March 31, 2014

2014 March Reading List

Wolves of Calla (Dark Tower #5) by Stephen King – This was probably the book I liked least in the series after the first one. The stories within the story didn’t work for me and neither did the ending. 3/5 stars Amazon Bookdepository

The Vintage Caper by Peter Mayle – Better written than A Good Year but less entertaining than A Year in Provence. If you’re looking for a wine and culinary guide, it will do. 2/5 stars Amazon Bookdepository

The Path to the Spiders’ Nest by Italo Calvino – I saw the book at the book fair and bought it without reading the blurb on the back cover. It turned out to be about war, so not my favorite by far. 3/5 stars Amazon Bookdepository

The Most Beautiful Short Stories by Dino Buzzati – Beautiful prose but so so sad. 4/5 stars Amazon Bookdepository

The Racketeer by John Grisham – Slow start and a lot of suspended belief is needed to buy everything that happens in this book. 3/5 stars Amazon Bookdepository

Monday, March 24, 2014

Gary Barlow - Since I Saw You Last

Looking classy, Mr. B!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Coming Soon: Best of Mystery & Horror #1

Best of Mystery & Horror #1 - Revista de suspans, edited by Mircea Pricajan, will be published by Herg Benet in April 2014. The anthology includes 16 of the best short stories published in Revista de suspans (Suspense Magazine) during its first year of existence.

Book description: “În primele 12 numere, Revista de suspans a publicat 105 texte literare de gen. În acest volum puteţi citi cele mai bune 16 dintre ele. Sunt încredinţat că veţi găsi aici proze dintre cele mai interesante, cu subiecte variate şi scrise în stiluri deja bine formate şi stăpânite. Literatura românească de suspans, cu toate subdiviziunile ei, trăieşte o perioadă fastă. Revista de suspans este doar o tribună, un ecran pe care autorii sunt invitaţi să-şi proiecteze poveştile pline de emoţii puternice. Iar volumul de faţă este prima ediţie a Galei de premiere la finalul unui an de proiecţii festivaliere.”
Mircea Pricăjan – editor

Table of contents
Cuvânt înainte de Mircea Pricăjan
Diana ALZNER  ― Credit restant
Cezarina ANGHILAC  ― Răzbunarea mută
George ARION  ― A doua moarte a domnului Michael Conrad
Raluca BĂCEANU ― Proprietarul
Alexandru DAN ― Prin grele văluri de visare
Marian DUMITRAŞCU ― Stingerea
Cătălina FOMETICI  ― Păpuşa
Teodora GHEORGHE ― Ultimul zbor
Lena KART ― Un crâmpei de lumină
Cristina NEMEROVSCHI ― Spaima
Alexandra NICULAE ― Omul cu şobolani sub piele
Liviu RADU  ― Scurtă întâlnire
Radu ROMANIUC ― Vino la mine
Paul TUDOR ― Arhanghelul
Felix TZELE  ― Înainte să putrezească totul
Ioana VIŞAN ― Iluminare

Read more about my story here.

Friday, March 14, 2014

New Release: The Impaler Legacy Omnibus

After almost a year since The Impaler's Revenge was released, the series is complete and The Impaler Legacy Omnibus is finally out.

Vampires, right. Some might say I came a little late to the party, but I beg to differ. Despite all the vampire literature available out there, it’s not so hard to come up with a novel concept. All you have to do is discard adolescents, drop steamy sex scenes, and not have your vampires come from Transylvania. If you make Vlad Ţepeş their mortal enemy, it’s even better.

Of course, it’s not that simple. But it’s fun, and I had a lot of fun writing about Liana, Max, and Jesse’s adventures. I hope you enjoyed reading them too. I will miss these characters, but they earned their right to rest. There are other stories waiting to be told. See you in the next book!

The Impaler Legacy Omnibus includes the complete series, consisting of:
The Impaler’s Revenge (novella)
Sweet Surrender (short story)
A Victory that Counts (novella)
Casualties of War (short story)
Order Restored (novella)
The Third Wheel (short story)

As you might have noticed, the omnibus edition includes a brand new story, The Third Wheel.

This story didn’t ask itself to be told. As far as I was concerned, The Impaler Legacy series had come to an end. But it was summer, it was hot, and I was bored. With the vacation just around the corner, I didn’t want to start working on a new project just to have to put it on hold so I began to wonder what Liana and Jesse might be doing. At the end of the series, it seemed like they could use a vacation too. But what was Max doing during all this? And so the story came to life, simple as that.  

The Impaler Legacy Omnibus and The Third Wheel are available through Amazon and Smashwords (and soon other channels too). Like with the other short stories in the series, The Third Wheel is free on Smashwords. Since Amazon is taking it's time to match the price, I've dropped The Impaler Legacy Omnibus's price to $3.99 for the time being.

And if you worry about missing Liana, Max, and Jesse when you're done reading, don't. There are some kick ass character interviews scheduled as part of The Impaler Legacy Omnibus blog tour (April 7-13) so stay tuned! 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Read an Ebook Week March 2–8

To celebrate Read an Ebook Week (March 2-8) my titles are enrolled in the Smashwords promotion as follow:

Human Instincts - price $2.99 - use the code REW50 for 50% off

The Impaler's Revenge - price $1.99 - use the code REW50 for 50% off 

A Victory that Counts - price $2.99 - use the code REW50 for 50% off 

Order Restored - price $2.99 - use the code REW50 for 50% off

Other titles you might like to check out:

Blue Moon Café Series: Where Shifters Meet for Drinks - price $0.99

Sweet Surrender - free!

Casualties of War - free!

Read and review, everyone! :)